Irons in the Fire

Exciting news! I have finished the next complete draft of The Ballad of Buddy and I’m in the final editing stage. My goal is to have it published and available to you by the end of the year. If you read the first two books in my Lucy Vaughn Mystery series, you know Buddy as Lucy’s ex-boyfriend. In this spin-off novel, The Ballad of Buddy tells his story.

For fans of my Lucy Vaughn Mystery series patiently awaiting Lucy’s next adventure, I have good news for you also. I have an outline of the third book in the series and will start serious writing work on that soon.

If you have been keeping up with the blog, you know about my goal of entering more writing contests. This summer I worked on a piece for the Idaho Writers Guild writing contest. Ultimately, I decided not to submit my entry. It just wasn’t where I wanted it to be by the deadline. But in pursuit of my goal, I submitted a story to Modern Cat’s Tiny Cat Stories writing contest. Submissions are required to be no more than 100 words, so word economy was vital. But so was telling a complete story. I’m not sure when the deadline for their decision is, but only those chosen for publication in their next issue will hear back.

I hope you are all having a great summer and enjoying some beach reads. Please let me know what you are reading as I could always use some recommendations! Also, if you have any questions for me, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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